I just gave birth!



I just published my second book – The Gift of Receiving: Release the Shame and Guilt That Hold You Back from A Rich and Delicious Life. It is about the difficulty many people have with receiving good things into their lives. It is loosely based on my mobile travel adventure. In 2018 I was given a gift – a pass to fly anywhere in the world, on standby, for free. I gave up my rental, put everything in storage, and traveled 55,820 miles on 22 flights.

This book is a collection of stories and anecdotes and shows how the protagonist overcomes stumbling blocks and inhibitions around the idea of receiving help in all of its forms.

As my story makes its way out into the world, I trust it will inspire others to open up to the gift of receiving. I want everyone to experience increased awareness of how we block gifts from the Universe and that there is another way to be in the world. The Universe is indeed friendly and generous.

I need your help to get the word out!

I have put so much of myself into this book and I’m excited for you to enjoy and connect with me and yourself in new ways. I couldn’t have done this without the support of my friends, family, and fans. You have been there for me during the thick and thin.

Your continued support means the world to me. There are a few things you can do to get my book out for everyone to enjoy!

  • Buy my book and leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads.
  • Spread the Word – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Tag me through the hashtag #giftoftreceiving, #RVA, #localauthor, and @ my profile!
  • Introduce me – If you find yourself in a conversation or a place where my message of receiving will help others – whether speaking to groups or holding a book reading event, I would appreciate it greatly.

Your love and support is why I am here today.

Email me your experience with receiving at moira@moiralethbridge.com

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