Look for evidence of what you are doing right.
Write down your successes, all of them, on sticky notes. Over time, you will see the changes you are making and will be able to own them.
There is a phenomenon I find associated with high-achieving, successful people. It’s called imposter syndrome. It is a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist in the face of information that indicates that the opposite is true. It leads to self-doubt.
“I feel like a fake.”
“They are going to find out I don’t really belong here.”
“They made a mistake in hiring me.”
“My success is just really luck.”
“My achievement is no big deal.”
Success sticky notes provide evidence over time that disputes imposter syndrome beliefs that discount your success, attribute it to luck, or make you feel like a fake.
Select one brightly colored sticky pad. Write down your successes each day and post them on a wall, corkboard, or your bathroom mirror. At the end of the week you have evidence of what you are doing right.
Take the notes and place them in a notebook. Start the process again. At the end of the month, you will see how your inner dialog is changing. Imagine what a year’s worth of success sticky notes will do for you!
Acknowledge your achievements.