In the Movie Groundhog Day, Billy Murray plays a weather man who is forced to live the same February 2nd day over and over again, until he learns his life lesson.
A Groundhog Day Shadow is something you keep doing over and over again when you don’t want to do it. You can’t see any other choices. This can be staying in a relationship, staying out of a relationship, staying in a job, not writing that book, being over responsible, saying yes, saying no. It’s feeling trapped in the routine of a job you don’t like or a relationship that isn’t working. You repeat the same day over and over and feel unfulfilled.
The message of Groundhog Day is that you have choices to improve your life.
Identify your payoff for staying stuck:
I don’t have to change
I don’t have to learn a new behavior
I don’t have to take personally accountability
I don’t have to make a choice