Eliminate unrealistic expectations.
Everyone experiences racing thoughts. These are fast-moving and repetitive thought patterns that can lead to overwhelm, sleeplessness, and burnout.
One of the causes of racing thoughts is having super-human expectations of what can be accomplished in a day.
Reality Check
# of hours in a day = 24
# of hours of sleep = 8
# of remaining hours in a day = 16
Sixteen hours to live, work, play, and connect.
Complete the following chart.
Quickly estimate the amount of time you spend for each task below on a typical day.
TOTAL HOURS: _________________
Check to see if you have unrealistic expectations.
- Do you expect to get things right the first time?
- Are you overly critical of yourself?
- Do you set goals according to other people’s expectations?
- Do you take on too much?
- Do you expect yourself to be at 100 percent all the time?
Question your expectations of yourself. Ask whether your expectations align with your values, needs, and who you are as an individual. If not, you may have them to please others.
Email me your total hours at moira@moiralethbridge.com. I’ll respond with a few suggestions to help you realign them.
Adjust your expectations with reality.