What’s wrong with me?


There is nothing wrong with you.

You’re not lazy, crazy, stupid, or bad.

Your thoughts and beliefs are blocking your light.

Most women’s thoughts about themselves and how they are operating in the world are brutal.

Paola is a successful attorney. She knows that her health is a key component to her success and working out provides immediate benefits. She commits to going to the gym on Friday morning. Her workload is light, and the kids are at school.

She thinks, “I should keep working on this brief. I can’t afford this time away from work. I can go to the gym another day. It seems a bit self-indulgent to go on a Friday morning. What if I see someone I know there?”


Identify your thoughts.

  • Imagine if thoughts were visible. What would they look like? Have you ever yelled at a dog? Their whole body and face droop. They shake. Their tail goes between their legs.
  • There is no difference in the impact of the mean words you say to a dog and the mean thoughts you think about yourself.

Paola drives to the gym and notices her negative thoughts that keep protesting.

“This is a waste of time. It’s not that important. My clients will fire me.”

She walks into a spin class and within two minutes is too busy trying to keep up that she forgets all about work and wasting time.


When you hear negative thoughts, give yourself more love and compassion, not less. You are fabulous and magnificent!


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